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Dance your way through the city

These sessions mobilise creatively movers/ dancers toolboxes and are open to people of all age, coming from different paths of life. 

To be more mindful and aware of how we walk through the space and how we engage with different elements: nature, people, landscapes, surrounding sounds and our own body.

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"Spending time with Kamnoush was great. Kindly and sensitively, she brought me in a dimension where listening and feeling the body as part of the whole reminded me of what in a daily busy life I usually forget.

We are part of the environment and in which way we play our role makes the difference. Dancing without music following the sounds of the nature was amazing. Thank you Kamnoush!"

First session of "Dance your way through the city", under this magnificent, humbling sky. 

ديروز اولين جلسه "در شهر، راهت را رقصان پيدا كن!" زير اين آسمان باشكوه، ما را به كرنش در آورد.


These sessions mobilize movers/dancers toolboxes and are open to people of all age, coming from different paths of life. 

اين جلسات جعبه ابزار رقصنده ها/ حركت گران را براي افراد جوان و كمتر جوان و در مسيرهاي زندگي گوناگون باز مي كنند.


To be more mindful and aware of how we walk through the space and how we engage with different elements: nature, people, landscapes or surrounding sounds and our own body.


تا نسبت به چگونگي جابجايي هاي روزمره مان در فضاي عمومي و نوع ارتباطمان با طبيعت شهري، آدمها، مناظر، صداهاي محيطي و بدنمان، خودآگاه تر باشيم. 

June 15-2019

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